What insights did I get?
- Procrastination is human ;-) ...
- Clearly defining/picking a goal or step to work on is important. In quite some sessions I had to work out that first with my clients, as I would do usually in coaching.
- The exercise incorporated imagining the goal, and monitor reactions: thoughts and feelings, but also reactions noticable in the body. All my clients had remarkable changes in their perception in relationship to their choosen goal after a little bodywork.
- A little Feldenkrais-inspired body-awareness-exercise of 5-7 minutes is enough to get to a markably changed state in relationship to the goal.
- The changes resulted either in a willingness to start doing the next step, or in a reconsideration of the goal.
- For most people the happiness level didn't change, but the level of fear dropped considerably.
- For a few people both the importance of the goal and the panic dropped. That was then the time to reconsider the goal - was it really what their heart wanted?
- What amazed me most was that people got sudden additional insights about themselves or the situation they are facing. That was a great "extra" I didn't expect from just some short body-awareness.